Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Oliver Stephen Post

I thought Oliver's story was going to start on Sunday, September 22.  I started having contractions that morning at 6am that were about 10 minutes apart. That lasted until about 9:30am, just after Stephen left for his first meeting at church.  This pregnancy has been really hard on our family so I was ready for it to be done.  When the contractions stopped, I was a little depressed.

That day I had been asked to play the organ, so I was also excited that contraction were going to get out of that job.  It makes me a little nervous.

Our ward doesn't start until 1:30pm, so I figured I had enough time to get them started again...no such luck.  I sat on my little organ bench and played prelude music before sacrament meeting.  Apparently Stephen had told the bishop that I was having contractions that morning.  The bishop was quite nervous that I was playing the organ.  He told me numerous times that if I was having contractions while playing the organ to tap him on the shoulder and his 1st Counselor would fill in for me.  He kept reiterating the fact that I didn't have to play.

Fast forward to my doctor's appointment on Friday and there was still no baby.  My midwife, Georgiana, is amazing.  I love her.  I followed her to a different hospital for this baby.  I'm pretty sure I would follow her anywhere near the Boise area.  She's that good.  Anyway, at my appointment I was dialated between a 4 and 5.  I was 85% effaced and had a score of 11 on the bishops scale. (That's almost exactly what I was the day before I had Cooper.)

While Georgiana was checking me and I was clearly close to something happening, she said, "Do you want me to strip your membranes?"  Surprisingly, I hesitated for a moment, then said yes.

As I was driving home from my appointment I called Stephen and told him what had happened.  I also told him that I was sure things were going to be exciting over the next 24 hours.  I also gave Krystal and my mom a heads up, that things were about to get dicey.

I stopped at Kenna's to pick up Maycee and Cooper.  It was around 2:45pm.  Almost as soon as I got out of the car, I felt "it".  The contractions that were going to send me to labor and delivery.  When I walked into the house Kenna asked for a report.  I think she was a little surprised by my answer.

I took the kiddos home with every intention in the world of being the perfect mom before their world was rocked.  Didn't happen.  We all cuddled on the couch and watched 'The Magic Schoolbus'.  Cooper only lasted about half an episode.  He doesn't like to hold still.

My contractions were still pretty far apart at this point in time.  They went anywhere from 10 minutes apart to 30 minutes apart.  I just wanted a good nights sleep before I had to get this kid out of me!

We decided to have Maycee and Cooper sleep over at Shane and Krystal's in case we had to make a speedy exit.  I was really emotional as we dropped the kids off.  I knew that this new chapter in our lives was going to make a huge difference for them.  I was really nervous!!  As we said our family prayer that night, I cried.  I prayed that the kids would love this baby and that they would still know that I loved them.  We put Maycee in the spare bed and kissed her goodnight.  We brought over Cooper's toddler mattress and laid it in Krystal and Shane's room.  We kissed Cooper goodnight and walked home all alone.  I felt Maycee and Cooper's absense.  It was hard.

When we got home I laid on the couch and fell asleep.  I slept for an hour and a half and woke up to contractions every 8 minutes.  Then went to every 7 minutes.  I wasn't expecting this, since with the other two births, my contractions were never consistent.

After 40 minutes of contractions every 7 minutes, I told a Stephen that we needed to call my midwife and the hospital and get on our way.  The hospital was 30 minutes away from our house.  After the phone calls, we were on our way.  At this point it was about 11:50pm.

We checked into the hospital at 12:30am.  Georgiana showed up right as we were checking in.  I love her!  We went into a back room and found that I was dialated to a 5-6 and was in active labor.  It is really true when they tell you, you won't remember the pain.  What woman would go into pregnancy remembering labor?

In the official record, Oliver Stephen Post was born at 2:24am on Saturday, September 28th, 2013.  As a cool side note, Oliver will now share a birthday with my dad.  I'm pretty sure Dad will remember this birthday! :)

That night/morning was very long.  We were finally settled into a room and left to ourselves at 5:30am. We were exhausted.  I could not fall asleep!  Stephen fell asleep fast, but I don't think I fell asleep until 10am.  Krystal brought the kids by at 11.  I missed them!!  It was awesome to watch them interact with Oliver.  Maycee held him for a long time.  She was also very gentle.  Cooper loved to give him his open-mouthed kisses, but then he was off pushing the buttons on my bed.  He turned on the nurse call light so many times.  Good thing Krystal knows how to shut those things off.

They released us from the hospital around 10:30am on Sunday morning.

Well...here we go with three.  We are officially outnumbered.

Good luck Oliver!

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