Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Fun Kids.

The last few weeks have been quite crazy.  I've been subpar in the mothering piece of my life.  Today we remedied that.  We've played all morning.  Sidewalk chalk.  Biking.  Hide and seek.  Popcorn on a picnic blanket.  I am now Super Mom.

Fun things about the kiddos.

Cooper calls his swimming suit a swim soup.

Maycee and Cooper "freeze" each other.  They hold there hands out, make a funny noise, and then say to the other one that they are frozen.  Yesterday Maycee was having none of it.  After yelling numerous times at Cooper to "stop freezing me!"  She said, "Cooper, you don't have frozen power!"

Oliver loves to watch the kids run around the island in the kitchen.  He gets squirmy, smiley, and giggly. I love it.

Cooper calls pineapple, kiapple.  "More kiapple, Mom!"

Oliver can scoot backwards.  Kind of.  Either on his bottom or on his tummy.

In most of Maycee's prayers she says, "bless me to move to Middleton."  She seems genuinely excited to move.

Oliver can clap!

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