Thursday, July 24, 2014

Oliver's 9 Month Checkup

These stats are so baffling.  They don't even make sense, but I still write them for posterities sake...

19 lbs - 31st Percentile
28 in - 20th Percentile

I had to fill out a huge questionnaire before taking Ollie in for his checkup.  It was really interesting the things I had to do with him to figure out where he was at as far as his abilities were concerned.  For example, I had to find out if he banged two toys together when he played.  He does.  I also had to find out if he knew how to drink from a cup.  Had never tried that with a kid that young.  He can.

So, basically, my kid can do everything except for move.  Like crawl.  I'm kinda to the point where I need this kid to crawl.  That way every time he is "playing" with Maycee and Cooper, he doesn't cry when they leave the room.

Come on Ollie!  You can do it!!

He is so wriggly that I'm surprised he hasn't done so yet!

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