Thursday, July 9, 2009

Stephen Outbursts

!WARNING! to all those who get grossed out by feminine hygiene. There is a brief reference in the following post.

I had a ton of errands to run today. I stopped in at Target and also got a bunch of essential items. One of those items happened to be tampons. When I got home and showed Stephen the things I bought, he pulled out the tampons and said, "Oh good. I needed those...I period all over the place!"

I know, he's weird.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!! You have the funniest husband ever! Or at least you remember the really funny things long enough to tell us....holy poo..

that reminds me of a boy in high school who asked my friend what girls do with their eggs every month after we lay them. um, WHAT? hahaha