Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What Maycee can do.

Maycee is hilarious!

There are so many things that she does. I love being her mom.

1. Maycee snorts. She snorts when she laughs, she snorts when it's really quiet in church, she snorts when she is tired. She is a snorter. Yes, I just made that word up.

2. Maycee has buff abs. Every time I lay her on her back, she lifts her head up really high like she is doing crunches. It's fun to tickle her tummy when she does that. She giggles really hard, but still tries to lift up her head. When I try to sit her up, she folds in half.

3. Maycee is a thumb sucker. Crap. I know. Not really looking forward to breaking that habit...oh well. When I breast feed her she sticks her thumb in her mouth while she's eating. I think it's hilarious, but I pull her thumb out and say, "You can only have one of them!"

4. Maycee also loves sucking on all of her other fingers. She is a very quiet eater, but a very loud finger sucker.

5. Maycee loves to talk. My favorite is when she is in her carseat in the backseat talking to herself. She does it until she falls asleep.

6. Maycee grunts. A lot.

7. Maycee blows bubbles. It is fun to watch her learn different things. Sometimes, she will grab my fingers, put them in her mouth and blow on them.

8. Maycee has now found her toes and sucks on them regularly.

9. Maycee holds your face in her hands and brings you in close to her face...then she sucks on your nose. It really is quite cute.

I think that this was just a post to show off all of Maycee's cute pictures. I LOVE this little girl. Enjoy!

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