Saturday, October 8, 2011


Two days ago I received an e-mail from my sister, Krystal.  This is what it said:

"So sisters and mother...I would like to extend a challenge. I have been trying really REALLY REALLY hard lately to get on an exercise plan. I am currently involved in no sports (I know I know you're surprised...) But I am trying to still stay fit. I have found the best workout video. I love it!! But I need someone to hold me accountable for doing it at least 2 or 3 times a week. The one I like is the 10 minute solution kickboxing boot camp! Fabulous. It's 50 minutes of cardio (so I don't have to run) and full body workouts. I started out doing 10 minutes 3 days a week. Went to 20 minutes 3 days a week and for the last couple weeks I have done 50 minutes 2 days a week (should be 3) But life happens.

"So for my challenge. I want you guys to find yourself a workout video. The library has great ones! Charisse there are some on netflixs. You guys can choose anything from pilates, yoga, kickboxing, boot camps, mom I'm sure we could find one for old ladies (bahaha love you mom) and Kami I've seen some for people who are pregnant! Next I think we should do it at least 30 minutes 3x a week?? Agreed? Would anyone like to make any changes??

"Lastly we need an incentive. But I think I've found the best one...Dad is going to take the winner on a $100 shopping spree. :-). So break out your calendar and schedule in your exercise!! :-) Let me know what you guys think.


The funny part of this e-mail is not the challenge that she gave us, but the incentive that she dangled in front of our faces.

After I read the e-mail and got super excited about the reward, I texted Krystal to ask how she got Dad to offer his $100. These were her exact words, "Well he didn't.  I offered it for him."

Today I called Dad to ask him about it.  Krystal still hadn't called him.  Dad was as excited for the prize as everyone else.  I think that he is just excited to go shopping with the girls.  Woot, woot!

Now for the hard part.

Exercising. is to all of our participants: Mom, Charisse, Kelsey, Karli, and me...and Krystal. (Sorry!)

Go get 'em girls!


Shane and Krystal Skaar said...

I know you know I am going to win this challenge...but that doesn't mean you can take me off the list of participants!!

As the farm turns said...

Krystal is so FUNNY!!!!!