Friday, October 21, 2011

Documenting Proof

Today Maycee threw her first legitimate arm wrenching, legs flailing, ear piercing screams of a diabolical demon, tantrum.

Seriously.  I was laughing the entire time because I have seen it happen to so many different mom's, but have never had the opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful moment.

Well don't you worry, I have now been down that road.

This morning Maycee and I went for a walk and stopped at the park.  We go on a walk almost every morning, but it has probably been at least a month since we have been to the park.  Today was the first day that she has had complete independence at that place.

First, Maycee was enjoying the wood chips.  She would pick them up and carry them around and then randomly throw them.  She was having a blast.

Second, she found the stairs that lead up to the two different slides.  She would crawl up the stairs and then once she was at the top of a slide she would barrel down, head first.  This threw me off the first time she did it and as she went down I quickly grabbed her ankle and went sliding down with her, face first.  It's a good thing I was wearing jeans or else I think we would have crashed.  She did this four of five times.

Finally, Maycee found the swings.  She walked over to them and reached her arms as if to get on.  They were big kid swings, so I put her on the swing and held her as I let her "swing".

After about fifteen or twenty minutes I told Maycee it was time to go and walked her over to the wagon.

As soon as I lifted her up to put her in the wagon she let out a blood curdling scream and started throwing her body around.  I COULD NOT get her in that wagon.  I finally put her back down on the ground and she "ran" back to the stairs that led to the slide.

I followed her up the stairs and let her go down the slide one more time.  As soon as we got on the ground I made her look at me.

I said, "Maycee, we have to go home because Mommy has things she needs to do.  I let you go down the slide one more time, but now we have to go."

Again, we walked calmly to the wagon, but as soon as I lifted her the fireworks again began.  I started to carry her as I pulled the wagon out of the park.  I thought Maycee was going to have a hernia.

As I was carrying/dragging Maycee home one of my neighbors, Jamie, had just pulled into her driveway.  She got out of her van and asked if Maycee was okay.

I replied, "She did not want to leave the park."

Jamie, "...Wow.  You're going to have issues with that one."

Yep.  I know.  She is my daughter.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Carolyn has perfected the "wet noodle", where she just falls over any time I want her to do something she doesn't want to. Good thing she's still small enough to pick up and throw around! :)