Saturday, October 8, 2011


This morning Grandma called me while I was at a baby shower to comment on my last post.

It took me a while to understand the message that she left me.

Here you go:

"Hey Kami D, there should be a little thing on your wall, somewhere, that if you move it up, you will get warmer.  Love ya honey!  Bye now!"


Grandma, here is my comment to you:

I am cheap.

VERY cheap.

AND it is against my religion to use my heater only two days after I have used my air conditioner.

Thank you.


~Kelsey and Nathan Taysom said...

HAHA that is AWESOME!!! And everybody wonders where we come up with our comments! It has been in the family for generations!

Shane and Krystal Skaar said...

BAHAHA!!! That Grandma...she's quick.