Sunday, January 6, 2013


I have never been good with change.

I know that it helps us grow and mature and become better, but there are things that seriously test my limits.

One such change began today.

I thought I was actually doing really well!  It was announced a few weeks ago that our ward would be split.  Two weeks ago they told us of our new boundaries.  Stephen said that I handled it surprisingly well.  I know, I'm getting "mature"! :)  We are now in a new ward.  Honestly though, I am handling it well.  The thing I am not handling well is Maycee.

Our ward now begins at 1:30pm.

I know.

You can all groan with me.

Smack dab in the middle of nap time.

Maycee was awful.  That is even putting it nicely.  I felt that we had made progress with Maycee and she was being really good in church.

Everything has now changed.

Maycee was taken out of sacrament meeting FIVE TIMES.  Before today, I think I'd only taken her out twice.  Four of those times was because she had to go pee.  She only peed one of those four times.  The fifth time was because she was screaming bloody murder during the sacrament prayer.


Oh, I was really hot under the collar at that point in time.

I hope today was the worst and it only gets better from here.

I can hope, can't I?

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