Saturday, January 12, 2013

My cute little man

So....Cooper is the cutest little boy ever.

I mean, seriously!  Check out these pictures.

Last week we took Cooper in to the doctor for his 9 month check up.

Yeah, we're about a month behind.

Here are the stats:
20 lbs - 27th  Percentile
27.5 in - 13th Percentile

I have been reassured that Cooper will be taller than me.

At least we have hope in that.

Cooper and I have started to play ball together.  He LOVES it!  It is so cute to watch him get  so excited when I throw the ball in his lap.

Cooper picks up the ball and holds it over his head, like so, and throws it.

Check out the tongue action.

I finally got out the high chair.  I don't know why it has taken me so long.  He loves that thing.  He loves to bang on the tray.  I put some of his baby finger food on the tray and he just picks them up and holds them.  He's so funny.

Cooper now claps.

And says 'Mama' and 'Dada' on command.

He is also starting to pull himself up on things.

He is still not crawling around, but is trying to figure it out.  He kind of scoots on his bottom.  If he's on the kitchen floor.  Carpet is a little more difficult.

Keep on truckin' Coop!

1 comment:

~Kelsey and Nathan Taysom said...

I love how Cooper is so happy! Jude is so serious all the time.