Monday, April 15, 2013

Cutie Oufits

So...because Easter was a SUPER crazy day, I didn't get any cute pictures of the kids in their new Easter outfits.

I decided this past Sunday would be as good a time as any.

Until my camera's battery died after 1 minute.  And since I no longer have a backup point-and-shoot, the photo shoot was over.

I still take a TON of pictures, but I didn't get what I wanted.

But I have to show you the takes.

Because they are my kids.

And I think they're cute/funny.


Whatever is the proper "term".


Why yes, that is a Steiger tire in the background.

Thanks, Dad!

Someday (I hope that someday comes SOON!) that tire will be full of sand.  Our kids will have the coolest sand box in the world.

P.S. And just in case I didn't mention this before, Maycee totally picked out that dress.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I love that dress! I would totally wear that!