Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mother of the Year

Today, primary was a little rough.

Cooper would not sleep.

Sadly, I think that lovely little stage is over...

While playing the opening songs, I had Cooper sitting on the bench with me...playing the iPad. Normally the iPad does NOT come to church, but I ran out of time to copy the songs down for primary so I just brought the iPad that had the information I needed.

Almost needless to say, halfway through playing Article of Faith #3, Cooper fell off. I immediately stopped playing to care for my wailing child...then picked up the last measure.

The ironic part is that when I put him on the bench with the iPad, I thought, "I should really put him on the floor."

I carried the wailing Cooper to Krystal.

AND remember that choir piece that is kicking my trash? It's still kicking my trash. I haven't practiced anything this much since college.

While playing for the choir this evening, Maycee came over and stood next to me. During the most difficult part of the piece, Maycee started jabbering my ear off. I have no idea what she was saying. I was too busy concentrating. Because I wasn't giving her any attention what-so-ever, I think she figured that the best way to get my attention was to help me out.

Little Maycee fingers started to play random notes in the middle of my "kicking trash" session.

There was nothing I could do about it without a big scene.

So I didn't.

I just panicked and tried to ask her "nicely" to stop.

Sundays are a little hectic.

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