Thursday, April 18, 2013

I feel like a nerd.

So...Sunday started out with me playing the organ. Then I went to the primary and played the piano for 2 hours. I finished off the church day by playing the piano for choir.

My poor little fingers were beat up.

Anyway...the piece that they are singing in choir is kicking my trash. Seriously. AND it's supposed to be super fast!

I've been calling my Mom for the last few days to try and catch her at home so I can have her put her metronome on the allotted speed number.  While talking to both Mom and Dad on the phone about my predicament, Dad said, "Why don't you download an app on your iPad so you can have your own metronome?"


I felt like the biggest nerd.

My very un-tech-savvy Dad is the one who thought of technology first. Why is it that my Dad is now the hip one and I am now old?

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