Sunday, July 21, 2013

It's hard to remember

I am trying really hard to remember all the of the memorable things that happen, but it's difficult.  So sporadically there are updates.

1. Maycee asks what time it is a lot.  For the last week or so, she has asked that question at least five times a day.  I have no idea why. There is never a follow up.

2. Maycee loves the song "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction.  The chorus sings, "You don't know you're beautiful!"  Maycee sings the chorus like so, "You don't know you're pretty!" Hilarious.

3. The other day we were outside and Stephen noticed how how awesome my onions were looking.  "Your onions are crowning!" He said.

He thought he was so funny.

4. Maycee is a Cooper whisperer.  When Cooper goes off on his jibberish, Maycee translates for us. For the most part, she knows what he wants.

5. Last week I took our car in to get the oil changed.  When I gave them the keys, I immediately shuffled both kids into the bathroom for a potty break.  In the bathroom, Cooper realized that his voice echoed.  However, just the sound of his voice wasn't as cool as the sound of him screaming at the top of his lungs.  He thought it was hilarious.  The screaming continued into the lobby. Sigh.

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