Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Don't cry over spoiled milk.

Every night for dinner the question is always, "What do you want to drink?" The answers vary from "juice" to "water" to "milk". Last night was a milk night.

My dinner habits fit my personality. I am the slowest eater in the entire world. I never beat anyone finished. Stephen, however, thinks that dinner is a race. He thinks any meal is a race. This is one thing that Stephen always wins. He is always first to be finished with dinner.

As I slowly nibbled on my dinner Stephen was almost completely finished with his before I was even half done. As I started to sip my milk I realized what Stephen had not; the milk was bad. As I expressed my concern, Stephen looked at his glass. There was only a tiny little bit of milk covering the bottom of his glass. Good thing Stephen's stomach can swallow just as much as he can without any problems.

1 comment:

Brigitte said...

We have so totally had this exact same experience in our family. Thad is just like Stephen, hurry before the food is gone right along with the sour milk. So let Stephen know he is not alone.