Thursday, January 15, 2009

It has finally happened

I have been laid off. Everyone please say a prayer for Marv's Insulation! (My former workplace) They are struggling and need all the help they can get.

Now to happier things...MY HOUSE IS SPIC AND SPAN!!!! This is probably the only time in my life when my house will be this clean. Anyone who ever plans to come and visit me should do it now because I have a clean house. It will only stay this way until I get a new job, I'm sure. Right now you could probably eat off of the floors of my bathtubs. Seriously, it's that clean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry! That's really too least you have time for your pretty house now..I bet it loves having you home :)

I seriously fell in love with that dog! But someone finally called me yesterday while I was at church thinking it was theirs. I directed them to the pound, so I really really REALLY hope they went and picked him up. He was just wayyy too cute!

Do you two live in Utah or Idaho?