Friday, January 16, 2009

I'm too young to die!

A few months ago, I happened to notice a little strand of hair that was NOT my natural, beautiful, dirt-brown color. I tried to ignore it. For a couple of weeks I ignored this little strand, but that dang little strand just happened to always be where my part was. Finally, frustrated, I pulled that little thing out.

Wednesday, I cut tubes for Stephen and then drove them to his work. He walked out of his office looking a little depressed. He told me about his frustration with customers.

We hauled the boxes of tubes out of my car and then Stephen opened my car door and helped me in. As I sat down in the drivers side seat, Stephen leaned down to give me our customary goodbye kiss and said, "KAMI, WHAT IS THAT?" staring at the side of my face.

I pulled down my mirror to see what Stephen was gawking at. There it was, another one of those strands that was not my natural, beautiful, dirt-brown color. I immediately pulled it from my head and Stephen slid it from my grip. His eyes and face lit up with excitement, "I have to show my co-workers!"

He raced back into his office with the little gray hair in hand.

I'm glad that I made his day better.

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