Friday, April 6, 2012

Duo Kiddo Pix


Shooting two kids is rough.

Maycee actually did really well.  It was the brother that wasn't a big fan.

Every time we took Cooper away from Maycee to calm him down, Maycee was offended.  We also learned that Maycee is just like my sister, Karli.  A poser.  She "oooo"ed and "aw"ed for the camera.  Also saying "cheese" at the appropriate times.

Well here it is.

You are in for a treat.

This is where Stephen got Maycee to start singing "Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree" and doing the actions...

Maycee loves to inspect Coopers fingers.

This is Maycee smelling her popcorn treat.

This is the cutest picture ever.  I think another one of the reasons that I like it is because it is ALL Maycee.  She did this on her own.  She really loves her little brother.

I have to show this last picture because it is so funny and so Maycee.  BUT I can't get it to turn the right way.  Darn that blogger!

Here is Maycee getting distracted by the airplanes outside.  She LOVES airplanes.

I also love that Cooper is so done in a lot of these pictures.  Poor guy.  His older sister mauls him.

1 comment:

Erin said...

What pretty pictures! That Maycee, she's a cutie!