Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Eggs!

We celebrated the Bunny part of Easter on Saturday.  It was so fun to watch Maycee be a part of it with us!  We dyed Easter eggs and sent her on an Easter egg hunt.

We bought the cheapest egg dying kit we could find.  It still had nine different colors with a whole lot of "accessories" to decorate your egg with.  Maycee just stuck all of the stickers on the counter.

Stephen had a ball with the white crayon that was included in our kit.

Here was Stephen's masterpiece.


Maycee pulled Batman out of the blue coloring with Stephen.  She immediately grabbed the egg as soon as it was out of the water to put it in the egg carton.  While Maycee was "gently" putting the egg down it received a nice crack on it's backside.

Immediately following this picture Maycee crawled out of my lap and the egg slipped out of my hands and on to the floor.

Poor Batman never had a chance.

Stephen gave up and ate him.

She is so cute!

1 comment:

~Kelsey and Nathan Taysom said...

So where was cooper during these egg master pieces were being created? Maycee looks so much bigger than the last time I saw her!! She is so stinking cute!