Friday, April 13, 2012

Introductions are in order.

I am about to introduce you to a new person.

This is awake Cooper.

Not many people have seen this Cooper, as he mostly has his eyes closed.

I'm sure that we will more frequently see this new side of him.

...Well Hello Cooper!

This is angry Cooper.

This is tummy time Cooper.

...And this is Maycee and Cooper when Maycee sees that there is a baby on the ground within reach AND a photo shoot going on to boot!

With my own kids I can't really tell "which parent" they look like.  One thing I know for sure, though, is that they definitely look like siblings.

1 comment:

Jamie Harmon said...

Kami, he is SO cute!
I'm sorry that I'm so late in congratulating you. I have been avoiding blogger so I won't feel so guilty about not blogging!