Sunday, December 22, 2013


I really want to remember this.

Today something very momentous happened.  At least it was for me.

Our ward choir doesn't have a pianist.  I've been asked to play quite a lot because I'm good friends with the choir director's wife.  However, for the Christmas practices, I had not been to a single one due to craziness of the holidays and sick, sick kids.

The Monday before the performance I received a text from the choir director telling me that the current Christmas Program pianist was not going to be able to play and was begging for my assistance.  I replied in the affirmative and he sent his wife over that night to give me the sheet music.

Honestly, practicing the piano is not my favorite thing to do with kids.  When I sit down at the piano, Maycee and Cooper immediately cling themselves to me.  Maycee sits next to me on the bench and plays, while Cooper crawls on my lap and plays.  It happens every time.

The sheet music was really difficult for me.  There were three key changes.  One of them was to four sharps, another change was to three sharps.  With a lot of chords.  Chords and I are not exactly the best of friends.

I arrived at the practice on Saturday at 11am.  It was a train wreck.  I played horribly and the choir didn't know the piece very well.

To say I was nervous was a grand understatement.  Normally playing the piano for people doesn't bother me, but this was beyond my capability to perform with such little practice.  When I came home from the practice I was near hyperventilation.  I knew I couldn't do it.  One of the singers, who is very musically versed, had changed the piano piece to go from the most difficult part of the song to the familiar hymn.  I still couldn't play it.

Sunday morning came and so did the day of the choir's performance.  I was a wreck.  I was trying to practice just before church and I couldn't even play the easy parts of the song because I was so nervous.  My fingers wouldn't move to where my brain was trying to command them.

Just hours before the performance, Stephen asked if I would like a priesthood blessing.  At first I was going to tell him no because I didn't want to misuse such a sacred power, but then I said yes.  I realized that this was something that was appropriate.  Heavenly Father knew my great desire to play well and I knew that He loved me enough to want to bless me.

Stephen gave me a blessing of comfort and of peace.  He blessed me that my fingers would work.

We went to the church at 1:00pm for practice just a few minutes before church started at 1:30.  At practice I fell apart.  Tears were streaming down my face as my fingers were fumbling over the keys.  I was a nervous wreck.

I sat down on our bench after practice and Sacrament Meeting began.

The time for the choir to perform had come.

I felt calm.

I walked up to the piano and played the piece with no fumbling fingers and no major flaws.

I know that my Heavenly Father loves me.

I know He is aware of me and will be there to help and support me.

BUT I need to ask.

I am so grateful to a husband who helped me to recognize this.


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