Tuesday, June 10, 2014

It's Possible

I love summer.



On Saturday we had another Best. Day. Ever.

We got up and by 9am we were headed out to a local neighborhood garage sale.  We gave the kids each a dollar to get something that they wanted.  Cooper picked a car that looked a lot like Stephen's car.  However, rather than a green Honda Civic, he purchased a mini green Mercedes Benz.  Basically the same car....Cooper also got a bulldozer, big truck, and a truck book.

Maycee held out for a really long time.  When we told her that she had a dollar to spend, she immediately said that she was going to buy a Frozen doll.  Yeah.  Good luck.  Didn't really know how to explain that one to her.  After a while she ended up buying another doll, along with a Jasmine figurine, and a pony.

We walked around that subdivision going from one garage sale to the next.  We were out there for at least 2 hours.  We had SO much fun!  There were some pretty good deals that we snagged.

That afternoon we ended up at Costco for a few necessary items.

And got the cutest picture ever.

Okay, if I mixed two pictures I would have the cutest pictures ever.

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