Friday, June 20, 2014

Princess Academy

A few girls near our neighborhood put on a Princess Academy.  They invite girls from the ages of 4 to 9 to participate.  I talked my way in to letting Maycee join this year.  I'm so glad I did.

The first day all of the girls were supposed to wear their best dresses.  Maycee decided to wear her favorite dress.  My bridesmaid dress for Krystal's wedding.  She loves that thing.  I kinda forced her to wear the awesome cape I made for her that was purple and sparkly and had a white sparkly crown on it.  They decorated crowns that day and put makeup on them and took their pictures.  Here was Maycee's:

She's so stinkin' cute.

On day 2 they did baking.  Have no idea how that worked, but Maycee came home with a chocolate dipped oreo and a tie dyed sugar cookie.  She seemed pretty proud of them.

Day 3 was gardening.  They made cutie headbands and flowers and Maycee came home with a beautiful butterfly that was painted on her face.

The final day was a swimming party at one of the girls' homes that had a swimming pool.  They invited the family.  Maycee and Cooper had a blast.  Maycee is in love with the Nash girls in our ward.  She followed them around the pool and they took really good care of her!

Cooper swam with anyone that would catch him as he jumped in to the pool.  That kid is a thrill junky.

Thanks, girls, for the fun that Maycee had at Princess Academy!

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