Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cute Pictures!

So...these pictures are uploading A LOT more grainy than what they are. I promise. I took them on 200 ISO!!



Here are Maycee's cute one year pictures.

Krystal made Maycee this cute little skirt. Matching it was quiet a task. I think that I finally pulled it off though.

Last, but certainly not least is Maycee's snooty picture. I had to put this in here because it made me laugh.


Megan and TJ said...

So talented! They turned out so cute! Also my almost 6 month old almost weighs as much as your 1 year old!

Erin said...

How cute! We've yet to do Carolyn's one year the time I get to it, she'll probably be 2!

I so wish I had a corn field to take them in!

~Kelsey and Nathan Taysom said...

Wow Those are REALLY cute!!! I can't believe she left the necklace on but it turned out really cute! Love ya.