Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The 30th Year of my Birth

Monday was my 30th birthday.

I don't feel any different.

According to my brother, I am ancient.


Stephen made me breakfast!  I got blueberry pancakes.  With real blueberries.  I don't think he left for work until 7:45.  He normally leaves around 6ish, so I was super excited to have him around so long in the morning.

The morning started off with me washing the car.  Our car was dirty.  We'd been to the farm twice in the last week and a half and the color was no longer red.  More of a 'dirt' color.  The kids really enjoyed the activity.

They started off in the car until they found the horn.

Maycee and Cooper were soaked very quickly.


This cracks me up....

That evening Stephen made me my requested dinner.  Taco Salad.  Mmmm.  Refreshing summer food.

Stephen pulled out 2 wrapped boxes and said, "This is your birthday present.  You can only have one, so you have to choose."

He let me open them before I chose.

He gave me the option of a sewing desk and storage or a new kitchen sink and faucet.  I chose the kitchen.  Stephen gave me such good options!

I'm so excited!

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