Thursday, June 20, 2013


Yesterday we had a crazy, but short, rain storm.  Maycee and Cooper were enjoying it from the window seat in their bedroom.

Maycee said, "Mom, can we go for a walk?"


It was pouring.

"Sorry, May, I'm not that cool yet."

She persisted, "Can we go play in the rain, Mom?"

Same answer.

I was walking around the house cleaning and Maycee yelled from the window seat, "Mom!  Come look at the rainbow I painted!"

She was taking full credit for the beautiful, bright rainbow that had coalesced from the rain storm.

Yesterday I also took down the crib and switched it out for the toddler bed.  Cooper loves his new-found freedom.  Both kids were asleep in their own beds, on their own volition at 10pm.

Stephen considered this a success.

Also considering that their bedtime was 8pm, I'm not so sure that was successful.

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